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10 glorious years of Melissa

Realised I’m coming up to 10 years with Quick HR and that’s a long time (for me) to stay in the same job.

I’m reflecting on why I’ve lasted so long and here are my thoughts:

Boredom is your worst enemy: keep it interesting, change it up, keep learning. Consultancy naturally results in a variety of clients and issues that are forever changing. Just as I think I’ve done it all I get a curveball challenge!

Flexibility: Quick HR has seen me through single parenting a toddler up to a teen and becoming a carer for elderly parents. I’ve changed hours up and down, worked term-time only, taken time out for well-being, school stuff and emergencies. Employers: I cannot stress enough, if you want to retain good people, accommodate their life changes and milestones.

Who you work with: this is so important. When you’re applying for jobs, ask to meet the team. My colleague Brian Warren is invaluable, we support each other, sanity check and share our expertise. We laugh and cry. Disagree occasionally and that’s OK!

My clients: each and every one of you who has worked for those clients have always made me feel a part of YOUR team and I really value that relationship building. Thank you!

So cheers to another 10 years Kidding, I’m bailing out well before then.

By Melissa