Rows at work – ideas to change things
Friction in working relationships can be a part of your working life at times, although hopefully not in a bad way. People have different priorities and viewpoints. But sometimes you can find yourself in a situation where the dispute goes…

When a row at work turns into a grievance
What’s a grievance? Dictionaries define it as a complaint resulting from a cause of distress or annoyance. In the workplace, any employee has a legal right to raise a grievance which is a formal complaint about a work issue.
In practice,…

Companions for meetings – but no clowns
We deal with all sorts of quirky goings on in the wonderful world of work and HR - but bringing a clown to a formal meeting is a new one on us!
You may have read that a man in New Zealand chose to bring an “emotional support” clown with…

Special offer for our clients
We regularly run a practical "greatest hits" training course for busy managers, to improve your skills and confidence in a wide range of areas.
We like to offer special services for our clients when we can. So instead of the usual course fees…

“Greatest hits” training for busy managers
We’re running a practical "greatest hits" training course for busy managers, to improve your skills and confidence in a wide range of areas.
Avoid walking into legal disputes when you are recruiting, developing people or dealing with problems…

Training course for managers – feedback
Quick HR's Brian Warren ran a training course for Wired Sussex members on managing people and employment law. The course is a "greatest hits" package providing a firm foundation for busy people, to develop their skills and confidence. It covers…

“Thanks for your expert advice and support”
Just received a lovely note from a grateful client who was facing losing his job without any kind of severance payment when we first spoke and who finished by being better off by £60,000 after working with Quick HR.
The client says: "Thank…

“She never listens to me…. I’m going to complain”
So grievances are a way that employees can make a formal complaint about a workplace issue, whether it involves another employee or a manager. Having looked at grievances from a manager’s point of view, let’s consider the issue from the…