6 tips for your Christmas party
On the 12th day of Christmas my true love gave to me: 12 drunken staff, 11 promised pay rises, 10 crates of beer bought, 9 passed out workers, 8 leering managers, 7 punches thrown, 6 cupboard lovers, 5 bullied workers, 4 broken bones, 3 drunk…

Working with friends and family
Can you manage your friend and say when she or he is causing problems? Can you do this to your partner and then share a bed later?
We work with many firms where friends either got together to launch the endeavours or partners came in to work…

Employ full-timers only? You’re missing out
As the economy picks up and your business is expanding, it may be worth considering employing new staff on a part-time basis. Maybe you need more help but cannot justify the costs of a full-time worker? If you are replacing staff, do you really…

Options for parents and carers
So now you’re juggling home-schooling and working remotely. Good luck and enjoy the experience!
As a working parent, there are a number of ways to shake things up so that you can maintain some kind of your work-life balance, as well as…

Working in different places and how to adjust
With so many people now working from home, how are you getting on? As a massive experiment, it’s blown up all the previous obstacles and concerns about home-working: the worries that people won’t work or things will fall apart.
If work…

Parents, sickness and minimum wage – what you have to pay
Compulsory pay rates for various situations have just increased: the minimum wage, maternity and paternity pay as well as sick pay, if your company doesn’t pay people normal salaries when they are absent from work through illness.
To help…

Working parent? Here’s everything you need to know
Expecting a baby? Already a parent? Do you employ parents or soon to be parents? We’re often asked about what parents are entitled to or how everything works with employers when someone takes maternity or paternity leave. Most people know…

Juggling work and children: a mum’s story
For the umpteenth time I find myself rushing out the door, half way up the road, late, son in tow and I have fluffy slippers on. Surely not as bad as turning up at work with a small child asleep in the back of the car…..I had forgotten…

Flexible working – now everyone can ask for it
Want to reduce your working hours, change your working pattern or work from home? All employees now have the right to ask for these changes, as long as you’ve been employed for 26 weeks (six months). Previously it was limited to parents and…

Having a baby? Want to share time off work?
If someone becomes a parent, they usually know the basic rules about time off work: men get 2 weeks and women can have up to a year. There are, of course, other rights but they tend to be less well-known. Now that’s all changed.
Shared Parental…